STBA Panel of Experts

The STBA has nurtured a range of specialist friends over the years and we draw upon their knowledge and skills when developing certain projects / stances. Having the following to help back the team up is an important factor in the success of the STBA.

Bill Bordass

Principal of William Bordass Associates; research and policy adviser to the Usable Buildings Trust; and recipient of CIBSE’s low-carbon pioneer award.

Bill has worked as a designer but now evaluates the performance in use of new, existing and historic buildings and takes the findings back to owners, occupiers, managers, designers and government. He is particularly interested in how people, processes and technologies come together.


Colin King

Colin was recently employed by the BRE as Director, with key responsibilities of being the lead officer on the energy performance of retrofit, refurbishment and the Hygrothermal performance of Buildings. Was one of the Technical Directors working on the DECC project “Understanding Heat Loss from external Walls” leading on the unintended Consequences and thermal performance of walls. He sits on numerous technical groups including the DECC Moisture Advisory Group, DCLG Part C, currently delivering Welsh Government revisions to Part A, B, C and L of the Building Regulations, and member of the UKCMB – UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings

Professor John Edwards


Director of Edwards Hart Consultants

A Chartered Surveyor, Chartered Environmentalist and Chartered Construction Manager, John is qualified to post graduate level in architectural building conservation and is a Certified Historic Building Professional by the RICS and Accredited by the Institute for Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) and is also Professor on Practice at the University of Wales Trinity St David.

Website: Twitter: @JohnEdwardsEH

Valentina Marincioni

Lecturer in Building Physics at University College London and Technical Director of the UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings.

Dr Valentina Marincioni is an expert in building physics and moisture in buildings, with a particular focus on internal wall insulation. Her research focuses on the integration of building physics, predictive modelling and monitoring for the reduction of moisture-related issues in buildings. Her work includes the development of frameworks and tools for moisture-safe construction, the assessment of the energy and hygrothermal performance of traditional and historic buildings, and the development of innovative building fabric solutions.

Website: Twitter: @VMarincioni

Richard Oxley


Director at Oxley Conservation

Richard is a qualified Chartered Surveyor who is RICS Accredited in Building Conservation; he is also a full member of The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) and holds the RICS Diploma in Building Conservation from the College of Estate Management.

Oxley Conservation was established in 1997 and has gained a reputation for work that ensures each client receives appropriate and sympathetic advice that respects individual buildings’ nature and special qualities.

Website: Twitter: @OxleyConserv

Harry Paticas


Harry founded Retrofit Action For Tomorrow (RAFT) and was one of the STBA’s first Affiliate members.

Harry’s projects include the award winning Clapham Retrofit. The 170-year old Grade II Listed townhouse achieved the AECB Silver Standard for energy efficiency whilst retaining, and even enhancing, the heritage features of the home. Harry continues to pass on what he learns as a visiting Lecturer at the University of Westminster (Architecture & the Built Environment).

Website: RAFT. Twitter: @harrypaticas

Robert Prewett 


Director of Prewett Bizley Architects

Bob has implemented numerous deep retrofits of traditional and historic buildings including an 80% CO2 reduction retrofit (measured) and a Retrofit For The Future project. Author of ‘Managing Retrofit Projects’ guide (as part of a series produced by Institute of Sustainability), he has also been involved with the development and delivery of Passivhaus Trust Retrofit Masterclass. He is a certified Passivhaus designer and was part of the STBA team commissioned by Bristol City Council to develop their ‘design and technical guidance’ to support a city-wide retrofitting initiative.

Presett Bizley Architects’ website:

Caroline Rye

Founding Partner at ArchiMetrics Ltd, Member of the Technical Panel of SPAB, Member of the UCL Bartlett School of Graduate Studies Complex Built Environments Systems Group

Caroline is co-author of a number of research papers and reports including, for The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, The SPAB Research Reports 1 & 2 on the subject of heat loss in solid wall buildings and the performance of buildings post-refurbishment (The SPAB Building Performance Survey). She is co-author with Neil May of the STBA’s The Responsible Retrofit of Traditional Buildings. She also sits on the SPAB Technical Panel and is seconded to The Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College London (UCL) as part of their Complex Built Environments Systems (CBES) group.

Ian Mawditt

Founder of Fourwalls

Ian is an independent building researcher, specialising in the field of energy performance, ventilation and occupant comfort. 

Ian’s work and field experience help to provide an evidence base for informing building performance standards. He was part of the technical team supporting DCLG in the development of recent revisions to Part F and Part L of the Building Regulations (England and Wales). 


Russell Smith

Director at RetrofitWorks and Parity Projects

Russell founded Parity Projects in 2005 whilst carrying out an extensive eco renovation of his own home. He is passionate about low energy housing and sees it as a vehicle to improve lifestyles and energy bills as well as our collective environmental impact. 

website: Twitter: @RetrofitRuss