STBA Aims and Objectives

STBA Aims and Objectives

The aim of the STBA is to deliver a sustainable traditional built environment in the UK

The balance between a building’s Context (its history, setting and future), its potential for Change (in a dynamic world), and its demands for Continuity (ongoing maintenance), is challenging. The unique structure of the STBA with its Board representing IndustryHeritage and Sustainability enables us to deliver a truly Whole Building Approach to the future of traditional buildings in the UK.

Aims and Objectives

The overarching aim of the STBA, is to support good practice in the retrofit of traditional buildings, taking a broad view of the definition of retrofit.

Our objectives are:

  1. Develop and refine good practice.
  2. Increase uptake of good practice amongst clients and practitioners.
  3. Engaging with and influencing policy and standards.

Projects and Initiatives

The STBA will prioritise outreach amongst industry practitioners, organisations, and owner/occupiers, seeking to increase membership and develop robust workshops and other information-sharing events.  It will continue to pursue related opportunities through the following mechanisms to further the above aims and objectives

  • Guidance / Toolkits
  • Research
  • Knowledge Sharing
  • Training / Education
  • Advocacy